# Quick Notes

The Kali (opens new window) legal team and contributors have drafted forms of Wrappr for public minting, starting with LLC, Non-profit, and Charter templates.

These are drafted to work with both Delaware and Wyoming law, as well as "defer" to the operations of code except for common emergencies, such as hard forks that might disrupt blockchain data.

These forms are accessed through signing and minting a Wrappr NFT with your wallet. These incorporation NFTs can be sent to a DAO to confirm acceptance or minted directly by a DAO through the Wrappr "wallet connect" option.

# Legality of key signatures

Jurisdictions with neutral e-signature laws that should support cryptographic key-signatures (key-sign) include the United States, Canada, China, Australia, New Zealand, Cayman Islands, and BVI. Key-sign in these jurisdictions carries the same (or similar) legal weight as handwritten signatures as long as they satisfy general requirements of the specific country’s law.

In the U.S, for example, the E-Sign Act and the Uniform Electronic Transactions Acts (UETA) define “electronic signature” as “an electronic sound, symbol, or process, attached to or logically associated with a contract or record and executed or adopted by a person with the intent to sign the record.” Therefore, for electronic signatures to be qualified under U.S. law, signers have to demonstrate their intent to sign the document, and the signature must be electronically connected to the corresponding document signed and cannot be transmitted to anyone else or onto any other document.

Wrappr key-sign demonstrates user intent to be legally bound by providing smart contracts that record affirmation of text that can be reviewed on the Wrappr app. Each key-sign is logically connected to each user through their private key. These records are secure and immutable. Further, Wrappr agreements are identified by NFT tokenIds linked to each user account.

For Wrappr entity templates, such as LLC and UNA, U.S. law will be selected. For the best results in selecting unpegged templates, users should consider the above and opt for their choice of governing law to be e-sign neutral.